Iplaid Leggings can change lives one legging at a time! How???


It all started out as a fun way to pass the time as I grieved the loss of my husband to the Silent killer I call Pancreatic Cancer and was of course devastated. What could I do that would help? Perhaps something that would  help fund researchers to find a cure.

Fast forward I am making art with the featured piece being called iPlaid. Since I made it on the iPad and it was a plaid, I named it in memoriam to Steve Jobs for whom I absolutely loved. Now 9 years later the inventory of leggings has grown and they are the most popular products sold,  I am focused on making a difference one legging at a time to fund researchers. So it is time to step out of the box and be artful when you work out, walk or even just have fun with friends wearing Artful Leggings by Susan Fielder Art. To date, we have donated 160K to researchers I know and have stayed close to as a result of Dan Mears fight! He was the King of Grace!

Created to make a difference, they stop traffic and there are always questions asked like, "Where did you get those leggings...?" I say, "Well, my husband sadly succumbed to Pancreatic Cancer and I just didn't know what I could do. In some little way, I just had to Make a Difference!"  This did not happen over night but it is now a growing phenomena. Now I also make images for those who have fought the fight and lost like, Patrick Swayze, Dizzy Gillespie, Luciano Pavarotti, Donna Reed, Sally Ride, Randy Pausch, Jack Benny, Alex Trekeb, Aretha Franklin, just to name a few. All have names. All have their own identity. All are like my new friends. All are treasured images that melt my heart and soul.  I hope they will will put a smile on your face as you play a role in this important effort.  Yoga Leggings are now available as well as Socks for Men and even shoes for both have just been created.Thanks for coming on this journey with me. Blessings, Susan Fielder

Feel free to share this story to help me in this endeavor! I am forever grateful!