iPlaid Mission & Story


A Hopeful Cure for Pancreatic Cancer Through Art

 Let me introduce you to iPlaid. You can help make a difference!

My purpose with iPlaid is to build a global platform that will generate significant research funding that ultimately leads to a cure for pancreatic cancer.

iPlaid is a force and the acronym is "Intuitive Passion Launches an Inner Discovery"!  My husband, Dan Mears, remains the guiding light for this endeavor!  Why is it called iPlaid
My husband was taken by this disease and it shook me to the core.  While dealing with his loss, I pondered on what I could do to make a difference. I started doodling on my iPad and created a plaid piece. It seemed so obvious I should call this piece iPlaid for Steve Jobs as he was the technical wizard that changed all of our lives with Apple and was also lost to the same killer.  So iPlaid was born and on behalf of the many who have departed because of this silent killer, we can now make a difference together.
Pancreatic cancer knows no boundaries. It is a silent killer residing in your body way before the first clue. The creation of whimsical, fun, colorful, and uniquely named art happened to me in processing what my soulmate was experiencing. It is my hope that you will place the energy of these pieces in your home, office, or as a gift, knowing you are a part of the journey too in making a difference for researchers who are working so hard on finding a cure for Pancreatic Cancer.
My company will donate to researchers designated through my work with UCSD, Sanford Burnham, Pancan, and AskiCan. So far, over 160K has been raised from generous supporters which went directly to researchers. It is my hope that this will become a brand known around the world that benefits and creates awareness of those lives lost but honored through art... Forever!
It is time to put an end to Pancreatic Cancer.  58,000 lives are lost annually. It is the second biggest killer. I do hope you will share this opportunity and encourage others to help fund researchers with me. Feel free to contact me personally at 858 395-8466 or email susan@susanfielder.com. I am here to listen, learn and truly need your help to guide this effort.  
10% of all proceeds from art sales will be donated to researchers for the cure.  Thank you, Susan Fielder